First Customers in Alexander County
We have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. Since the November newsletter, we installed our antennas on Linney’s Mountain Tower, tuned the settings, turned up our first customers, and recruited our first local installers. We are still in the process of training our local installers and expanding the areas we can cover. The Taylorsville Times and Alexander EDC both shared articles related to our first customer install. While many of you probably read the Taylorsville Times article, I encourage you to read the Alexander County EDC article for more information on the pilot program.

December Target Area
Please review the map and if you are in the December target areas you should have been contacted to have an installation scheduled. We will not be targeting this area again after December until we finish targeting the other areas in the Pilot project. Note: You don’t have to have your installation in December but you do need to discuss your installation plans with Nichole (the Area Manager) at (704) 665-7561 or

Linney Mountain Tower Antennas Installed
In October (link) we explained that the reason why we selected Linney Mountain to be our first tower. We wanted to share some pictures of the installation of our antennas.

Energy United PolesDo you have an Energy Unite Pole on your property? In last month’s newsletter, we discussed the reasons we need the Energy United Pole information.
Please Use this Form Link to Provide Information about Your Energy United Pole. |
